Varvara Koneva

Varvara Koneva


Varvara Koneva loves exploring 3D innovations for heritage preservation, research, education and healthcare.
Whether it’s 3D printing cultural artifacts or breast prostheses for cancer survivors, she focuses her stories on the kindness and dedication of the people behind them. 

Originally from Siberia, Varya thrives best next to big bodies of water or in the woods. Her husband and her young daughter share quite a dark sense of humor, which balances Varya’s dreamy nature. 

When she’s not writing, Varya spends most of her time traveling, painting, and volunteering for educational NGOs, spreading the message of non-violent communication. An admitted book fanatic, she’s most likely to be found in a bookshop or library whenever she has an hour to herself.

Varvara also writes articles for Artec 3D.

Varya’s publications
